KORFOS SAILING RACE 2014" (5-7 September 2014)
Korfos Offshore Sailing Race 2014 will take place this year from the 5th up to the 7th of September.
KORFOS is one of the most successful off-shore racing events. It takes place at an early September weekend, right after the holiday season, so racing sailors are eager to return to competitive sailing throughout the rest of the season.
The race course is idyllic and unpredictable weather conditions usually keep the participants’ interest on the peak.
Korfos is located at the easternmost part of Korinthia Prefecture, Peloponnese and is a natural harbour protected from all winds and a very popular resort ideal for relaxation and leisure. And, NOTK always takes good care of its guests, offering ouzo and lunch at one of the nice seaside tavernas.
Being virtually a summer event, the Korfos regatta will repay any sponsor who wishes to launch an advertising campaign benefitting from the existing crowd in the area, during that time of the year.